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Univerzita Palackého
23.10.2014, 12:44, Stáří: 10 r.

Speech Therapy Studies at Palacký University Found Excellent in International Ranking

Autor: Martina Šaradinová

The training of correct articulation. Photo: Pavel Konečný

Speech Therapy at the Faculty of Education is setting the trends in the international field. This has been confirmed recently by the international NetQues project examining the study of the discipline in 31 countries, including the Czech Republic. One of the conclusions is that the study of Speech Therapy in Olomouc ranks among the world’s most high-quality and demanding education programmes in its category. This recognition opens doors for further important research projects in Olomouc.

“The main objective of the project was an analysis of requirements posed on pre-graduate education in Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) within the European Union countries and in the United States. Furthermore, the essential common core competencies for therapists were delineated,” said Kateřina Vitásková, Head of the Speech and Language Therapy programme at the Department of Special Education. In the subsequent evaluation, the Olomouc programme received the Top Quality label.

Olomouc speech therapists at the top

The project entitled Network for Tuning Standards and Quality of Education Programmes in Speech and Language Therapy/Logopaedics across Europe was managed by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) at the European Commission, which is also responsible now for the Erasmus+ programme. The experts assessed the specific conditions in SLT education in each country. They monitored the graduates of speech therapy programmes as well as their employers. The evaluation also concerned the university teachers who educate future speech therapists. The conclusions are now at the disposal of the European Commission, which sets the rules for granting qualifications in the global educational framework.

“The Palacký University study programme was evaluated as one of the best in terms of quality, because unlike in other countries, its entire Masters programme is accredited. We provide both theoretical and practical education. We have also been praised for the fact that our programme is a follow-up on Special Education essentials, which is not common in the world. This strategy has thus proven its worth,” said Vitásková.

According to Libuše Ludíková, Vice-Dean for Science and Research, the study programme is now harvesting the fruits of long-term work. “Fortunately, clinical and educational logopaedics has not been divided at our faculty. This has turned out to be a very apt solution, as we can work with the entire population in a complex way, develop prevention programmes, and conduct all manner of research. Our concept of study is exceptional in both the Czech Republic and in the international context,” said Vice-Dean Ludíková.

New contacts, publications and study abroad

Due to the participation in the project, an extensive academic-professional network of educators and employers in the field of SLT was created. The faculty will maintain professional contacts with them in the years to come. Academic papers by Olomouc experts will be able to gain entrance to the prestigious impact journal Pholia Phoniatrica et Logopedica.

“Another outcome is that our advanced students are enabled to engage in Speech Therapy education in English. Currently, four students of the third and fourth years are studying at the University of Antwerp,” added Vítková, who became a member of the prestigious International Association of Logopaedics and Phoniatrics (IALP). The IALP has a major influence on the educational policy in logopaedics as well as on directions in related research.

There is great interest in the study of logopaedics in Olomouc. There are approximately 300 applicants every year for only 15 places. The graduates do not have to worry about their future employment – there is constant demand for their expertise.

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