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Univerzita Palackého
30.04.2016, 08:44, Stáří: 8 r.

SPAIN - Universidade da Coruña´s International Summer School

Autor: -sb-

Universidade da Coruña´s International Summer School (www.iss.udc.es) offers a selection of more than 20 intensive three-week courses taught by international faculty in A Coruña from 1 to 19 August 2016. This year the institution also offers two additional sessions in Iasi, Romania, from 9 to 27 May, and in Vila do Conde, Portugal, from 11 to 29 July.

The courses are open to Spanish and foreign undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates. Courses are taught in English and have an academic value of 6 ECTS credits. You can see an updated list of all courses at http://www.iss.udc.es/courses.

Universidade da Coruña reserves a number of partial scholarships covering 50% of the fees for students from EU countries.

Interested students should apply online (http://www.iss.udc.es/registration-and-fees). Informal enquiries can be directed to iss@udc.es. For further details about individual courses, fees, scholarships, supplementary Spanish language courses, accommodation, and social programme, please visit www.iss.udc.es.

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