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Univerzita Palackého
14.01.2015, 07:39, Stáří: 9 r.

Proclamation of Rector Jaroslav Miller

With a certain unease, I have been following the gradual growth of a xenophobic mood in Czech society; which, unfortunately, is supported by regrettable and irresponsible statements by several Czech politicians. I consider this phenomenon as one potentially dangerous and harmful for this nation. And thus I am issuing this statement on the current situation, in conjunction with the recent events in France and in other European countries.

The unjustifiable events in Paris could easily become another accelerator of xenophobia. Nonetheless, I believe strongly in the democratic potential of Czech society and in its attempt and ability not to fall prey to xenophobic rhetoric on the basis of extreme and violent expressions of individuals. Palacký University Olomouc is an open institution: we strive to attract the best students, academics, and scientists—regardless of nationality, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or skin colour.

By making this statement, I am at the same time expressing my support for all foreign students and employees at Palacký University, and I will do everything in my power so that they feel safe in the Czech Republic—and in Olomouc—and consider themselves an integral part of our academic community—now, and in the future.


Prof Jaroslav Miller, Rector

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