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Univerzita Palackého
16.09.2015, 11:32, Stáří: 9 r.

Palacký University Presents Humanitarian Aid Plan for Refugees

Autor: Ivana Pustějovská

A complex plan of humanitarian aid was introduced at a press conference by (from left to right) Deputy Director of Caritas Olomouc Petr Macek, Vice Rector for External Relations Petr Bilík, and members of the student team for humanitarian aid, Barbora Hrabalová and Jan Gregar.

Palacký University is offering help to refugees. “We have founded a special team to help people in need. The current refugee crisis was only the inspiration. The system we’re developing should also work in case of natural disasters in the Czech Republic as well as in the world,” said Bilík.

The university has put together a special team to be used by state and public administration authorities as well as Caritas and other non-profit organisations. Offered help includes social work, psychological counselling, interpreting, legal aid, and teaching the Czech language. “Whatever the situation is, one of our specialists can help,” added Bilík.

UP students are not standing by idly. Dozens have signed up for the volunteer programme. In case of an emergency, they may be asked for help for example by non-profit organisations. “We believe that their expertise will be useful – some may interpret, others can run programmes for children,” added Bilík. “There are many of us who want to help, so we’re glad our school offers a programme we can take part in,” confirmed Barbora Hrabalová from the student team of volunteers.

Petr Macek from Caritas Olomouc also welcomed the collaboration with Palacký University. “Above all, we appreciate the methodical help offered by the university, since we have no capacity for that.”

In addition to the immediate aid, Palacký University is also preparing a long-term project – an accredited course designed for detention centre personnel and the like. “The course will educate in the fields of law, health sciences, cultural diversity, etc. Our goal is to provide specialised training and knowledge for those who work with refugees on a daily basis,” said Bilík.

Palacký University will also offer a new activity for the public who will be interested in the life stories of foreigners already living in the Czech Republic and coming from the countries refugees are fleeing. “We are going to invite students, teachers, and doctors who work or study at the university to talk about their experiences and their lives here,” explained the project coordinator Jan Gregar.

Palacký University has also announced a collection of children’s toys and games for adults. The first portion was delivered Friday to Hungary during a monitoring journey. “We had to see with our own eyes what the situation is like and what is really needed so that our aid may be effective,” said Bilík.

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