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Univerzita Palackého
10.02.2016, 12:24, Stáří: 8 r.

New Issue of the Palacký University Žurnál in English

Autor: OK

In this year’s first English-language issue of the university magazine you can read about the development of new drugs, the pitfalls of research, and the hopes that it brings:.we will give you a look into the cutting-edge research going on at the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine.

You will learn why Ingeborg Fialová, the leading Czech German scholar, struggles to keep the German language alive in the Czech Republic. Delve into the experience of the physiotherapist Naděžda Calabová in Jordan, where she helped injured war refugees. In the new Žurnál you can also read about Vladimír Birgus, the outstanding photographer, critic, and historian – one of many eminent graduates of Palacký University.

If you like to think about the world’s future and development, don’t miss the interview with Pavel Nováček from the Faculty of Science. If you’re curious how the UP Endowment Fund works, what are cultural and creative industries, or how three Ukrainian novitiates find living in Olomouc, don’t miss the English version of the Palacký University Žurnál.

Available for free at UPoint, and on the web.

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Stránka aktualizována: 04. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew