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14.01.2015, 16:46, Stáří: 9 r.

ITALY - Summer School at Sapienza University of Rome

Autor: -sb-

We would like to inform you that Sapienza University of Rome organises a Summer School, where students can study and discover many aspects of Italian literature, arts and cinema, whilst perfecting their language skills. The Summer School includes two independent and parallel courses, taught both in English and Italian, with a final assessment test. Both courses include guided visits to the most important monuments and artistic sites in the city.

The Summer School will be held from July 6 to 18, 2015 and the deadline for application is April 30, 2015.

For Erasmus students, the tuition costs 700 EUR (instead of 1400 EUR).

Further information on: http://en.uniroma1.it/study-us/summer-school


Sapienza Università di Roma

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