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Univerzita Palackého
08.10.2015, 10:10, Stáří: 9 r.

GERMANY - Call for ICER-16, Luebeck

Autor: -sb-

The Journal of Environmental Research And Development (JERAD) is organizing the 8th International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-16). The Congress will be held at the University of Applied Sciences, Luebeck, Germany on 27-28 July, 2016.

The Congress offers Young Environmentalist Awards (Five) and Best Poster Presentation Awards (Five) to sincere research fellows.

The Congress also provides an opportunity to visit beautiful countries of Europe such as Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom along with Dubai (UAE). 

To ensure your participation:

  • Visit www.icer16.jerad.org for complete details of Congress and send your abstract(s) / full length research paper(s) for the same.
  • Send your updated C.V. at the earliest to enable us to consider you for a suitable place in the organizing committee of the Congress.
  • Go through the various tour plans proposed on the home page of the congress and choose one of them at the earliest. You can contact the tour programmer for any queries in this behalf.

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