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Univerzita Palackého
16.01.2015, 12:37, Stáří: 9 r.

Chemist Pavel Hobza Among the World’s Most Cited Scientists

Autor: Martina Šaradínová

Chemist Pavel Hobza has appeared on the list of the world’s most cited scientists, according to the Web of Science database. Besides working in the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Hobza is also a key scientific figure at the Faculty of Science and its Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials.

“To be included in the Highly Cited Researchers database is a great honour for me, of course, as well as satisfaction. It means that our work is more than meaningful, having such a significant response in the world’s scientific literature,” said Hobza.

Prof. Hobza gained his reputation mainly by his discovery of improper, blue-shifting hydrogen-bonding. It aroused great interest in the worldwide scientific community for until then it had been assumed that no new discoveries could be made in the area of hydrogen bonds. His theory was soon confirmed by laboratory experiments. His scientific achievements include the elucidation of the role of stacked interactions in DNA and proteins and the explanation of the role of dispersion energy in biomacromolecules.

Approximately 3000 researchers were included in the top one percent of the most cited scientists due to their high number of publications and their reception in the scholarly world. The Web of Science lists 486 articles by Hobza, with more than 25,000 citations. His H-Index is 87.

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