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Univerzita Palackého
02.02.2016, 08:38, Stáří: 8 r.

Accreditation Ensured for Almost All Programmes at the Faculty of Education until 2021

Autor: Milada Hronová

Study at the UP Faculty of Education has been constantly popular among applicants, however the UP Lifelong Education Programme has met with enormous interest.

“Since 2013 there has been a steady interest for study at our faculty, and we register almost 8000 applications annually. We can guarantee the validity of our study programmes, for the majority of our programmes have been accredited until 2021,” said Čestmír Serafín, The UP Faculty of Education Dean. The faculty’s share in the UP Lifelong Education Programme is also a sign of success: more than 6000 students applied in 2014/2015.

“We have also improved in international activities. Presently we offer 38 accredited programmes in foreign languages, and the numbers of incoming international students as well as our students and teachers studying and lecturing abroad are on the increase,” added Dean Serafín.

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Stránka aktualizována: 04. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew