Central Library
Department of Information Education
Department IE: | Central library UP ("Armory") |
Employee: | PhDr. Zuzana Kelnarová | phone: 585 631 743 | |
Department of Information education offers to teachers and academic staff training, within which students learn to work with electronic information resources and after which they will be more efficient in searching documents for their work. The content of training and its scope can be arranged.
Training of search for literature of seminar, bachelor and diploma works. Students in the seminar learn how to search for books and articles from Czech and foreign environment (time approximately 1.5 hrs.). Students will learn:
• basic search strategy,
• the possibility of working with library catalogues,
• basic and advanced search in licensed databases
• receive updates in the collection of the Library of Palacký University
• setting alert information from databases,
• possibilities and advantages of personalization,
• obtain the full text of Czech and foreign articles.
Entry into teaching - diploma seminar - search for professional information. The length and content can be individually arranged, see the offer of topics for training. Students will learn:
• Use the right search strategy to a defined topic,
• the possibility of working with library catalogues, indexes and work with the account (document reservation, loan renewal and sending updates from library catalogue)
• basic and advanced search in licensed databases, upgrade database options (saving results, alerts, sharing, export)
• obtain the full text of Czech and foreign articles,
• freely available resources on the internet
• basics from ethics in citation practices and plagiarism.
Topics for training:
- How to find information (preparation before the actual search and information retrieval strategies, keyword selection, boolean operators, proximity operators, trunction, wild cards, search debugging and pitfalls of internet searches)
- EIR I. - Library catalogues (library systems, catalogues, catalog of Palacký University, catalog of Research Library, new generation catalogues, union catalogues, Czech National Bibliography, card catalogues - functions and work with catalogues, registration options and superstructure services)
- EIR II. - Freely accessible internet resources (internet, freely available resource for professional work, invisible web, semantic search, web archive)
- EIR III. - Licensed databases (typology of databases, the possibility of working with databases - basic search, advanced search, thesaurus, upgrade options - alerts, sharing, export, storage, obtaining full text of the article, e-books at Palacký University)
- Digital libraries, digital repositories and problems of Open Access (gray literature and digital repositories, digital libraries, Open Access, patents, standards and company literature)
- Counter, citation analysis, citation software (quotation, citation analysis, citation software EndNote Web or Zotero, copyright issues, ethics and plagiarism, license Creative Commons)
- Publication activity (formal and content problematic of scientific text, understanding the review process and performance evaluation of science in the Czech Republic, the orientation in the instruments for the promotion of scientific achievements)
Disposable training of the relevant department for specially profiled databases that are available on the website: http://ezdroje.upol.cz. Practical training of search in specific databases (eg., EBSCO, Anopress, ProQuest, JSTOR, Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, EZB, etc.). The time range can be arranged (from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours).
Central Library UP can offer computer training room with a capacity of 15 seats, or I can arrive at the certain department, the ideal is when students can practically working with resources.