Central Library
Bibliographic information services and Interlibrary loan services
Chief of the department: | PhDr. Ludmila Slezáková | phone: 585 631 722 | |
Information and search services: | Mgr. Michaela Pastorová Mgr. Romana Applová | phone: 585 631 744 phone: 585 631 744 | |
Interlibrary loan services: | Mgr. Klára Adámková Eva Přecechtělová
| phone: 585 631 889 phone: 585 631 731 |
Activities of deparment
- It provides to our readers guidance and reference bibliographic information services,
- processes research and bibliography,
- monitors electronic information resources and informs the user about news in this field (service is called "E-news"),
- provides access to electronic information resources with a single license (online versions of selected journals subscribed by our library)
- provides trial access to new electronic information resources and suggests buying them,
- carries reclamation of defects in approaches to electronic information resources,
- evaluates the use of electronic information services and user feedback,
- provides Interlibrary loan services.
Bibliographic information services
Bibliographic information services (BIS)
Department BIS: | Central library UP ("Armory") |
E-mail: |
Employee: | PhDr. Ludmila Slezáková | phone: 585 631 722 | |
| Mgr. Michaela Pastorová | phone: 585 631 744 | |
Mgr. Romana Applová | phone: 585 631 744 |
Provided services:
- Consultation
Problems with searching for sources of information concerning the diploma thesis, seminar papers and other works, tracing special literature etc. can be individually consulted with the staff of dept. BIS. - Search
Library of Palacky University handles searches for scientific and educational purposes, according to the order - form is available at the workplace BIS.
This service is provided for teachers, researchers, graduate students and other professionals of UP. Searches are for free.
- SDI profiles (Selective Dissemination of Information)
These are regularly sent lists of new acquisition to the Library of Palacky university member chosen from the thematic area or discipline.
The service is provided free of charge for teachers, researchers, graduate students and other professionals of UP.
- E-news
Newsletters in electronic information resources made available at the Palacky University selected departmental interests of these subject categories:
1. Anthropology. Ethnography
2. Biological sciences
3. Theater. Film. Dance
4. Economy. Trade
5. Philosophy and religion
6. Physics and allied sciences
7. Geography. Geology. Earth sciences
8. History
9. Music
10. Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogical sciences
11. Language. Linguistics. Literature
12. Librarianship. Informatics. General. Reference literature13. Mathematics
14. Medicine
15. Political sciences
16. Law
17. Psychology
18. Sociology
19. Technics. Technology. Engineering
20. Physical education and sport. Recreation
21. Art. Architecture. Museology
22. Education
23. Computing
24. AgricultureThis service is free of charge for all students and employees of Palacky University.
- Access to online resources with a single license
Interested ones can work with these resources (electronic versions of Czech and foreign magazines) in the workplace BIS - prior arrangements is suitable.
Contact: bis@upol.cz, phone: 585 631 744.
Interlibrary loan services
Interlibrary loan services (ILL)
- Readers of categories A, B and D can request through interlibrary loan services from other libraries in the Czech Republic and abroad, books and magazine articles that are not available in the library of Palacky University or in other libraries in Olomouc.
- Libraries from the Czech Republic may ask for their readers borrow or photocopies of documents, which are in the collection of the library of Palacky University.
Department of ILL: | Central library UP ("Armory") |
E-mail: |
Employee: | Eva Přecechtělová | phone: 585 631 731 | |
Mgr. Klára Adámková | phone: 585 631 889 |
Realization of ILL:
- Internal users (students, teachers a employees of Palacky University) can apply for ILL services by one of the following ways:
- personal- filling out preprinted forms at ILL workplace,
- electronic - filling out Requisition of interlibrary loan service
Interlibrary loan service is provided free of charge. The user shall pay only the price of copying services charged by other libraries and postage costs eventually required if the document obtained by electronic delivery service, see Price list of charges and paid services.
- Libraries are asking for ILL services by completing electronic Requisition forms for interlibrary loan service. In case of documents from the Library of the Faculty of Medicine (OLD002) send their requests to the registry: mvs@tunw.upol.cz.
- External users must apply through a professional or public libraries in their location, where they are registered as a readers.