British Centre
Language Exams
As a partner of the British Council we organize the Cambridge Exams, the world's best-known qualifications for learners of English. The exams cover all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and assess the candidates' ability to use a variety of structures and functions in authentic situations.
More information on exams, dates, registration terms and certificates can be found here.
Updated exam specifications from January 2015
A summary of the 2015 changes to the Cambridge English exams First and Advanced can be found here: FCE/CAE.
Cambridge Exams are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) published by the Council of Europe. This internationally recognised framework describes language ability in a scale of levels which ranges from A1 for beginners to C2 for those who have mastered a language.
As of 2011 Cambridge ESOL have renamed some exams. Newly the umbrella term “Cambridge English” will now be used, followed by the appropriate level. The new title was chosen for a simpler and more powerful way to promote Cambridge exams, products and services, avoiding the use of acronyms.
KET = Cambridge English: Key
PET = Cambridge English: Preliminary
FCE = Cambridge English: First
CAE = Cambridge English: Advanced
CPE = Cambridge English: Proficiency
KET for Schools = Cambridge English: Key for schools
PET for Schools = Cambridge English: Preliminary for schools
FCE for Schools = Cambridge English: First for schools
The particular levels of the most frequent Cambridge Exams can be found here.
The British Centre library has available a wide range of exam preparation materials, including course books, tests with answer keys, CDs or cassettes containing the listening part of the test and DVD or tapes with examples of interviews. Also available for loan are original tests from previous years. We will be happy to advise all interested parties with the decision as to the choice of the appropriate level of exam and with the choice of the most appropriate study materials.
List of useful textbooks and tests can be found here.
Applications and Certificates
For all exams you can register online here. The registration data can be found here.
For institutions we offer the possibility of bulk registrations here. To get access to this portal you need to send an email request to, inluding your company details (invoice details), contact name and contact email address.
The application form for the nearest Mock Test can be found here.
Extended Certification
The ‘Extended Certification’ will give candidates additional credit for the language skills they have demonstrated and a clearer picture of how results relate to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
A candidate who performs particularly well in the exams can get credit at a higher level on the CEFR. For example, candidates who get grade A in ‘Cambridge English: First‘ receive a ‘FCE’ certificate indicating that they are at C1 level (instead of B2).
Candidates can also receive credit for their English language skills, even if they do not achieve a passing grade. So a candidate who does not get enough marks for a grade C in ‘Cambridge English: Advanced‘ can still be awarded a certificate showing performance at level B2 if they show this level of ability in the exam.
The latest information on certificates can be found here.
Computer-Based Exams
Cambridge Exams PET, FCE and CAE are now available to be taken as a computer-based test. Other than the method of completing them, the exams are exactly the same, and they both lead to the same internationally recognised Cambridge ESOL certificate.
Here you can download the application form for the current computer-based exam session.
Pretests (mock tests) are available to anybody interested in content and structure of the general Cambridge Exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE). Led by experienced tutors, you can test your performance as if you were doing the real exam.
More information on the pretests can be found here, online application form is available here.