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Palacký University

News Archive


New insects of the orders Zoroptera and Diptera, spiders, butterflies, and plants have been discovered by students and teachers of the Palacký University and University of Ostrava faculties of...
The Rector of Palacký University in Olomouc and the Mayor of the City of Olomouc jointly pledge to support the ethnical, national, and religious diversity of social life in Olomouc and to defend the...
The findings concerning their vocal and olfactory communication may have a significant role in the zoos where rhinos are raised. They reproduce poorly in captivity, for unknown reasons. According to...
Experts from the Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacký University have a significant role in the creation of national strategy promoting physical activity. Zdeněk Hamřík, Head of the Department of...
ECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic LanguagesOnline preparatory courses for Medicine or DentistryInternational Student GuideStudy programmes in foreign languagesAlumni Reunion 2016
Aktuální konference, kongresy a sympozia na UP
Last update: 26. 02. 2013, Vladimír Kubák