Palacký University

Validation and stamp distribution


Renewal of validity of the international ISIC card by purchase of the revalidation stamp

You can pay for the revalidation stamp by your bank card through payment gate in Portal in section “My studies”, “Student fees and claims” and “Pay Online” button. You can pay for the stamp by bank transfer or by postal order. However, payment by these two methods requires you to enter the correct variable symbol (it can be found in the “my payments” section) after you are enrolled to the next year of study.

When the status of payment is not “paid” even if you paid for the stamp, bring a proof of payment (statement of account, payment slip) with you when you come to collect your validation stamp. The payment was probably not paired with your account.

Revalidation stamp is used for inclusion into the national database of valid ISIC cards and for verification of ISIC card validity for discount providers. 

Revalidation stamp can be purchased after the enrolment to the next year of studies.

Revalidation stamps are distributed at predetermined locations after the distribution of ID cards to first year students. Distribution takes place within a limited period of time (three weeks in October, one week in January) at a predetermined place (not at ID card office). Information regarding stamp distribution will be published at Portal. Students who will be at a foreign study stay before the beginning of academic year can pick up their validation stamp at the beginning of August at the ID card office. However, these students will not have a variable symbol generated yet. Therefore, they must pay for the revalidation stamp in cash at the ID card office. It is important that these students bring their finance agreement or subscription contract (issued by the Foreign affairs department of Palacký University) with them. 

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Last update: 13. 05. 2016, Bohdana Řeháková