Palacký University

Directives and documents


Fundamental provisions

Rules and terms regarding the use of computer networks and software operation are designated by directive no. A-1/2015.

University computer network is connected to the CESNET large infrastructure. Users connected to UP computer network must follow the “Access Policy for the CESNET large infrastructure”, which is available at

Electronic mail provisions

1. Electronic mail access 

  1. Following e-mail software clients are recommended for sending and receiving e-mails properly
    • Outlook web access - (online access)
    • Office365 – portal.upol/office365
    • Microsoft Outlook
    • Mozilla Thunderbird
  2. MAPI and IMAP protocols are enabled to access electronic mail at UP official servers. User manuals for e-mail client setup are available at university Wikipedia ( Every user is entitled to request computer network administrator’s assistance for e-mail client setup.
  3. Maximum e-mail message size including encrypted attachments is 50 MB. Such e-mail message should be sent within UP. Mail server administrator can set the size of received mailing list and conference e-mails to a minimal size of 64 kB. It is advisable to send larger files using services for sharing large files. 
  4. You should respect possible limitations of the other party (limited message size, language limitations etc.) while communicating within UP.
  5. Maximum size of sent or received e-mail messages from student e-mail address can be set by mail server administrator to minimum 2 MB.
  6. Maximum mailbox size is 5 GB. Capacity may be enlarged by mail server administrator if the request is well-founded.
  7. Maximum size of an e-mail send to more than 50 receivers is 200 kB and can be sent only outside regular working hours (7:30 to 16:00 during working days)

2. Electronic mail addresses 

  1. Palacký University uses 2nd level internet domain “” for electronic mail. Individual UP constituents (faculties, workplaces, special-purpose facilities) have 3rd level domains “” assigned.
  2. New 2nd and 3rd level domains can be established only for objective reasons. Computer center UP provides establishment and evidence of these domains.
  3. Electronic mail address is assigned to each user of the UP computer network. The use of other addresses set up as outgoing mail addresses is not supported, such e-mails might not be delivered. Computer Center UP is responsible for allocation of addresses.  

3. Electronic mail server management

Official electronic mail server is used for sending, receiving or transferring student’s or employee’s electronic mail. Establishing such a server must be consulted with Computer Center.

  1. Official electronic mail servers must be able to transfer e-mails in form reflecting proper valid internet standards (RFC5322, etc.)
  2. Manipulation with DNS entries in 2nd and 3rd level UP domains, which are not under administration of Computer Center, must be consulted with Computer Center beforehand.
  3. Official UP electronic servers must meet the following conditions:
    • Must have security against mail transport for third party users
    • Must have an option to block reception and transport for listed addresses (domains)
    • Must keep record of received and transported messages
    • Must synchronize time with UP network
    • If there are mailboxes of the users on the server, user-data must be backed-up regularly.
  4. Servers must verify the identity of the sender or VPN in order to allow receiving and transferring messages from addresses outside the UP network.
  5. Mail server can refuse to receive e-mail, except for standard reasons, e.g. non-existence of receiver’s address, if:
    • Mail contains viruses or similar data, which are violating UP safety policy
    • Mail contains address from list of blocked addresses due to spread of spam e-mails
    • Mail is sent from computer which is not registered in DNS
    • Mail exceeds the e-mail size
    • E-mail receiver exhausted his mailbox data limit
  6. Record regarding received, sent or transported e-mail must include at least these details:
    • Date and time
    • Address of the computer used to send the e-mail
    • Receiver and sender address
    • Message ID
    • Success of the transaction

4. List of the official UP electronic mail servers:


Establishment and operation of Wi-Fi network access points 

  1. Computer Center is the administrator of SSID EDUROAM and UPOL, other SSIDs (unless an administrator is appointed) become a responsibility of whoever installed the respective access point.
  2. You must consult the Computer Center before installing other access points in order to avoid possible disruptions of UP computer network.
  3. Every access point allowing connection to the internet must use a secured user connection using 802.1X protocol, Radius server and WPA2-AES encryption or better (after consulting Computer Center).
  4. IP Addresses used for Wi-Fi connection must be assigned from private address space, if possible. 

Establishment and operation of fixed public connection ports

  1. Computer Center always installs fixed connection ports
  2. Fixed connection ports must be secured by using 802.1X protocol, Radius server and PEAP encryption or better.

External subject connection 

  1. There must be a written contract regarding the establishment of private connections to the UP network and establishment of connection ports from properties  not owned by UP
  2. Each connection port can receive only one IP address from UP address space
  3. These connection ports do not have access to UP network. It is important to secure the connection using WPA2-AES encryption or better (always consult the Computer Center UP) if you are using radio access.
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Last update: 10. 02. 2016, Bohdana Řeháková