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Palacký University

Erasmus & exchange

Erasmus at Palacký University

Palacký University has joined the Erasmus programme in 1997. At present within the new project Erasmus+ we have bilateral agreements on student and staff exchanges with more than 300 universities in most EU countries and the number of partner institutions as well as Palacký University departments involved is still increasing.

Erasmus Mundus

The Erasmus Mundus programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world. It supports European top-quality Masters Courses and enhances the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education in third countries. It also provides EU-funded scholarships for third country nationals participating in these Masters Courses, as well as scholarships for EU-nationals studying in third countries.


CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies". Current member countries are Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Prishtina/Kosovo is also participating. The main activity of CEEPUS are university networks operating joint programs ideally leading to joint degrees. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework.

Cooperation Agreements

Palacký University has lot of partners all over the world. These institutions accept our students as well as we accept their exchange students on a basis of cooperation agreement. 

ECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic LanguagesOnline preparatory courses for Medicine or DentistryInternational Student GuideStudy programmes in foreign languagesAlumni Reunion 2016
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International Relations Office
Křížkovského 8
771 47 Olomouc

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Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education


Last update: 21. 09. 2016, Štěpánka Bublíková