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Palacký University

How to apply

Information for students interested in traineeship at Palacký University

Palacký University provides only a limited number of traineeships. Currently there is no list of offers a prospective applicant could choose from.

Students interested in traineeship at Palacký University should follow these steps:

1. According to your interest, check on the UP web if there is an institute/ center/ department fitting your plans. You are expected to communicate directly with the UP department or Faculty of your choice and from the very beginning indicate a scope of activities you plan to do here within your prospective traineeship. 

Please note that very general e-mail inquiries asking for „something“ will not be considered.

2. Write an e-mail request directly to the UP prospective department in order to know if there is a possibility of traineeship.  Introduce yourself and the sending institution/programme, write dates (from-to) when you wish to do your traineeship. Describe your competencies and plans. Attach your CV and Motivation Letter.

3. In case the UP department expresses interest in having you as a trainee, you will be required to submit some paperwork e.g. a proof of your foreign language knowledge, a letter of recommendation; there may be a skype or a telephone interview requested.

*As soon as possible, inform the UP department which documents will be required by your home institution (both Letter of Acceptance and Learning Agreement for Traineeship or only Learning Agreement for Traineeship) and in which order.

4. Please note that there may be deadlines and additional requirements set by the receiving department you must respect.

5. If you need visa to enter the Czech Republic, please note that the visa process can take up to 2 months. Request the visa supporting documents from the UP department as soon as possible.

6. Accommodation in the university dormitory can be requested, but it is not guaranteed. If the UP accommodation capacity is full, you must arrange accommodation by yourself, UP is not providing any assistance in this regard.

Applicants should express their interest in university accommodation as soon as possible.

ECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic LanguagesOnline preparatory courses for Medicine or DentistryInternational Student GuideStudy programmes in foreign languagesAlumni Reunion 2016
Aktuální konference, kongresy a sympozia na UP
Last update: 03. 09. 2015, Štěpánka Bublíková