Palacký University

The Jesuit College as the Art Centre of Palacký University

Art Centre of Palacky University

The Baroque building of the former Jesuit College is one of the oldest parts of the university in Olomouc. After an exacting renovation on a grand scale, Palacký University
now owns a spacious historical building with many original rooms and halls. Five fine art departments of the Philosophical Faculty and Faculty of Education have thus gained new lecture halls, fine art studios, recording studios, representative conference halls for international venues, and rooms for its students and teachers. The historical centre of Olomouc now has another centre for culture and the arts.
The Art Centre of Palacký University, besides being a teaching and research institution, will be involved in the everyday cultural and artistic life of the city and the region, and will have a specific dramaturgy. The artists, ensembles and companies performing there will be linked with the specialized orientation of the local institutions and their contacts with artists and experts from the Czech Republic and from abroad. The people of Olomouc as well as the tourist visitors will have an opportunity to attend programmes held in the university cinema and theatre, in an attractive concert hall in the Corpus Christi Chapel, and see exhibitions installed in the spacious corridors and in the College Gallery, and attend performances and concerts held in the atrium and the courtyard. After the performance, the audience can stay in the restaurant or in the student club in the basement. The Art Centre will be open even during the summer holidays so that Summer Schools of Film, film shows, outdoor exhibitions and concerts can take place there. The premises will be also used for the events of the Olomouc Culture Summer. The Art Centre of Palacký University will cooperate in its activities with the City Council of Olomouc, the Council of the Olomouc Region, with institutes, commercial and industrial companies in the region, and with sponsors.

Departments of Philosophical Faculty and Faculty of Education Located at the Art Centre:

Department of History of Art 
Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies
Department of Musicology
Department of Music Education 
Department of Art Education 

Calendar of Events now only on Palacký University's  new webpages

Aktuální konference, kongresy a sympozia na UP

Palacký University Art Centre
Univerzitní 3
771 80 Olomouc

Contact Person:
Mgr. Lucie Klevarová, manager
tel: +420 585 633 099

Last update: 07. 10. 2016, Karel Sýkora